John Rooke wrote:
The example of Daily Stormer is not a good one.  The site was being used
to organise alleged criminal activity up to and including murder.

I think the point stands: intermediaries and proprietors can "wake up in a bad mood" and decide to "kick [someone or some group] off the Internet". Also, if there's anything to learn from the recent Russophobic attacks by the US government and commercial media, allegations aren't good enough to support a claim.

The point I'm making in the context of /this/ thread remains the same: one shouldn't ignore the power of an intermediary or proprietor when one seeks to publish with the intention of being read. Picking any third party to handle one's blog is always a risky tradeoff. Today fights the US government in their pursuit of access logs (per ), tomorrow could hand over such data to another party without telling anyone they did so, or shut down a blog they host that has become (even only temporarily) politically uncomfortable. Non-technical users are not socially encouraged to think through the ramifications of hosting with someone else's computers. I maintain that a right-minded effort to get non-technical users their own Internet-based publishing setup should help make them aware that no matter how friendly their current hoster appears to be, that hoster has the power to cut them off, hand over access logs, and domains. If this power is leveraged against some (particularly those whose political messages are disagreeable) the same can be done to the rest of us.

It was hardly a case of 'waking up in a bad mood', subsequent to the
death of Heather Heyer.
Then your complaint is properly lodged with CloudFlare's CEO who made the glib "wake up in a bad mood" comment and acted apparently extrajudicially to "kick them off the Internet" as he put it.

Incidentally, Chomsky is rather less of a libertarian when it comes to
criticisms of his own work.
I'm unaware of Chomsky "kicking someone off the Internet" in reaction to a disapproving review.

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