Haven't you inverted the words POP3 and IMAP?

I mean, I find it way secure and better to use POP3 because I have all
my email in my own computer, and can yet optionally leave part of the
newest ones in the server.

With IMAP, on the other hand, it can turn out to be very expensive also
for the service provider. I read OpenMailBox's social network profile
posts and it seems that IMAP consumed more resources than POP3.

2017-11-29T17:07:55-0600 J.B. Nicholson wrote:
> I'm not sure what you mean by "cloud" (that's part of the problem with
> that term); as far as I know "cloud" computing refers to doing one's
> computing on someone else's computer (obviously inherently
> unrecommendable) so I'll limit my comments to talking about email.
> disroot.org doesn't look to be remarkably different from any other
> email hosting provider so long as you avoid using POP3 and keep the
> total size of your mailbox under 2GB (what
> https://disroot.org/services/email says is the size limit).
> Use encrypted IMAP for reading mail, encrypt and sign outbound mail
> with GPG, and use an encrypted connection to their SMTP server for
> sending mail, and you'll do about as well as anyone can expect to do
> with email. Webmail interface probably requires Javascript which makes
> it easy for the server side to get you to run nonfree software or run
> malware.
> I don't know how disroot.org's prices compare to other hosters (I
> didn't look that far into their website) but you should consider
> getting your own domain name so that your email address(es) don't
> change, even if you switch hosters. I didn't notice disroot.org
> offering domain names so if you go with disroot.org and you want your
> own domain name you may have to get the domain name somewhere else.
> Dreamhost.com might have a better deal for you for email hosting
> because (I think) Dreamhost offers a higher email quota and optional
> "+" offsets (for instance: username+string@yourdomain where you use
> your username, optionally add a "+string" to the end of it to help you
> identify how people got your address or for filtering inbound email),
> and optional server-side filtering (more simplistic than it used to be
> years ago but still useful enough to do what most novices want to do
> most of the time like moving inbound email to a folder). Dreamhost.com
> also sells domain names and offers a JS-based webmail.

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