> The FSF has a well known name associated with a distinctive philosophy.
> Whether people agree with that philosophy or not, they usually know what
> FSF believes in.  That is the power of a brand.
> When people see the name FSFE, they often believe it is a subsidiary or
> group working within the FSF.  ...

> FSFE leadership have sometimes diverged from FSF philosophy

> FSF people have also produced vast amounts of code (the GNU Project) and
> some donors appear to be contributing funds to FSFE in gratitude for
> that or in the belief they are supporting that...

> In fact, FSFE was set up as a completely independent
> organization with distinct membership and management and therefore a
> different president.

You are right in that the FSF has been far too generous. An organization
that is completely independent and that diverges from FSF philosophy should
have not just a different president - but a different name. Your post may
have outlined a case of infringement. Where an organization accepts money
knowing that the donor intends that the funds should be for the benefit of
another - the acceptance and use of that money may be fraud.


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