Erin Glass <> wrote:
> I'm writing to let you know about the 'Ethical Ed Tech
> <>' wiki and
> edit-a-thon on April 3 that may be of interest to the free software
> community.

Looks interesting.  And the first thing that strikes in the eye right at the 
main page is a tag cloud with distinct categories for ‘free/libre’ [1] and 
‘open source’ software [2].  What definitions of that terms do you use, so this 
is required?  Afair, Wikipedia’s experience showed, that so fine yet vague 
categorizations tend to be faulty.

Actually, the wiki in question already features ‘open source’ yet _not_ 
‘free/libre’ Atom, CommentPress, Pandoc, Omeka, GitLab, Hypothesis and 
LibreOffice, with no examples of the opposite.

The only commentary, that explain this oddity concerns Atom [3]:

> It is open source, under the MIT license, but is not free/libre.

But what is that supposed to mean?  Of course, a program, published in sources 
under any of ‘MIT licences’ (here — under the Expat licence), _is_ free in any 
sense of that word!


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