On Tue, September 17, 2019 1:29 pm, Danny Spitzberg wrote:
> If you take a glance on this list, on twitter, and in other corners of the
> internets, there are a ton of folks sharing their legitimate concerns
> about
> the broader issues in free software, FSF, and rms.

I do not use Twitter and I have not reviewed any other sources. I am just
talking about this list.

> Singling out Mary-Anne (in all-caps?)

She put it that way on her email to this list. Was just quoting. I even
forgot the dash.

> for sharing articles written by other
> people is dismissive at best, harassment at worse.

Not for sharing an article. I quoted what she said and commented about my
future actions in respect to that attack. It is not an attack on anyone.
It is my decision on how I will act on the future regarding my support for

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