there are two types of equality activist:
* diplomat
* thug

I'm of the diplomatic variety. The ones that you had a negative
experience with are the thug type.

It's the diplomatic ones that make the real change. People like me, who
do real work rather than just shouting on twitter or on mailing lists.

Real work involves:
* befriending people, even if you despise them
* listening to people
* making them realize that you're not a threat

This is what I mean by diplomacy. You simply make friends, and make
people see your point of view.

A diplomat does their best to convince people and to make allies.

By comparison, the thug type simply complains and alienates people.

On Tue, 17 Sep 2019 23:35:00 -0500 wrote:

> On Tue, September 17, 2019 7:59 pm, Leah Rowe wrote:
> >
> > meritocracy is silly in terms of advancing equality, because it
> > implies an equal playing field - nothing is further from the truth
> >
> > women (and LGBT people, and black people etc) are routinely
> > descriminated against, and less likely to get involved in tech.
> >
> > we need to spend more effort bringing such people into the movement.
> > since you know, they actually form at least half the planet and have
> > the same intelligence/potential.
> >
> > I say this as an LGBT person.
> >
> > If you have the choice between a more qualified male candidate and
> > less qualified female candidate, hire the female candidate - and
> > train/educate her. it's important.
> I do have a priority to support these groups. But I have decided to
> stop support for women. I have been attacked by them 3 times because
> I speak my mind out. (I know I should speak less.) The other groups
> have taken my opinions as such, not as personal attacks. A couple
> groups that defend women's rights have attacked me instead of
> exchanging ideas and accepting that I do not have to do as they wish
> unless they convince me. So I have decided to remove my support for
> women unless one of these groups proves they deserve my support again
> by being reciprocal in supporting my own values and the people in our
> group instead of attacking us.
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