On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 8:13 AM Dmitry Alexandrov <[1]321...@gmail.com>

     Leah Rowe via libreplanet-discuss
     <[2]libreplanet-discuss@libreplanet.org> wrote:
     > Instead of responding in solidarity, you all allowed yourselves to
     be manipulated by a *blatant* smear campaign that took *one* post
     from him out of context.
     > The recent bullshit has made me renew my FSF membership, out of
     support. Everyone should do the same!
     I’m deeply afraid, that joining FSF out of support _now_ will be
     understood the other way round — as a sign of support of Dr.
     Stallman’s dismissal.

   No Leah, the way to go would have been to withdraw your membership -
   not renew it!
   We need to formulate a plan, a show of solidarity, addressing the FSF
   board with a demand for rms' reinstatement. Let's hear some ideas.
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   1. mailto:321...@gmail.com
   2. mailto:libreplanet-discuss@libreplanet.org
   3. http://www.gnu.org/software/c-graph
   4. http://codeartnow.com/
   5. http://www.abertheid.info/
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