Robert Call <> writes:

>> On Sep 23, 2019, at 8:07 AM, John Sullivan <> wrote:
>> Disagreement and discussion here is great. This particular message went
>> over the line and violates the list standards. Both because it accuses
>> people who disagree of murder, and because it's carrying on personal
>> grudges most of us have seen in many other places on the Internet for
>> years.
> I have to disagree. Some of the claims being made do have some grain
> of truth. I would actually say that it does not go far enough. Things

Most messages that violate list standards have some part of them that
does not violate list standards. That's not the issue; points need to be
made without personal attacks or other harmful things.

> Sadly, no one has brought up the conflict of interest between the OSI
> and the FSF. John, you hired Molly while she had some involvement with
> the OSI, did you not?



John Sullivan | Executive Director, Free Software Foundation
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