It is good to see that this discussion has become generally civil as people begin to take considered positions about being LibrePlanet participants, Associate members and Supporters of FSF, Software Freedom/Free Software. The misquotes in modern media are not surprising, actually. "If it bleeds, it leads." has been an editorial policy (even if unstated) for a long time.

Seeing this continuing discussion rise above that level is gratifying. Being a FSF Associate Member is one step towards being actively in support of the ideals. For those who are unable to make significant code contributions to GPL software can use the small financial contribution as a way to do more than simply saying, "I support the four freedoms" as the only "contribution".

I benefit daily from my freedoms, including not walking in lockstep with any tech corporation for software. Thanks to all who are educating me about the complexities of finding a sustainable organization whose purpose goes steadfastly forward to keep GPL strong, and Free Software much more than just "gratis".

Keep the good ideas coming.

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