(sorry, I just re-read the article. you call it "resign awards
nominations" - I confused it with the "Free Software Awards")

On Sun, 29
Sep 2019 11:33:52 -0500 "Adrienne G. Thompson"
<adriennegayethomp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Re: nomination for the FSF Resign Awards:
> For the internet drama "The Backstabber"
> Bradley M. Kuhn:
> Best Director
> Best Open Source advocate
> Friends, hackers, coders, men, lend me your ears!
> Rise up to eject backstabbers of Freedom – not praise them;
> The evil such men do lives after them
> Ambition should be made of sterner stuff;
> Oh judgement! Thou art fled to brutish beests
> But not our GNU, though wilde, will not be tamed
> By men – he/him they/them who have lost their reason;
> Who conceal the yoke under Hats of garish colour Red,
> Who steal upon Freedom, Softly, with Micro vision,
> Or who, Google-eyed, seek to buy those entirely willing.
> Who amongst us has the balls
> And choose to lend them to our cause?
> Will Rise Up and tear down walls
> Intended to subvert our GPL laws?
> #RiseUp and Gravitate to GNU!
> http://www.codeartnow.com/gallery-1/freedom/gravitating-to-gnu
> Adrienne
> -- 
> Freedom - no pane, all gaiGN!
> GNU C-Graph - http://www.gnu.org/software/c-graph
> Code Art Now - http://codeartnow.com
> Abertheid Campaign - http://www.abertheid.info
> Follow me on Twitter @AdrienneGT @GNUcgraph
> Notes:
> Inspired by William Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar"; words spoken by
> Mark Antony:
> https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/56968/speech-friends-romans-countrymen-lend-me-your-ears
> On Sat, Sep 28, 2019 at 2:28 PM Adrienne G. Thompson <
> adriennegayethomp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > It is my sincere (dis)pleasure to make the following nomination for
> > the Free Software Foundation Resign Awards:
> >
> > For the internet drama "The Backstabber"
> >
> > Bradley M. Kuhn:
> > Best Director
> > Best Open Source advocate
> >
> > Calling on the Free Software community to post your nominations now!
> >
> > #RiseUp and Gravitate to GNU!
> > http://www.codeartnow.com/gallery-1/freedom/gravitating-to-gnu
> >
> > Adrienne G. Thompson
> > Principal and Executive Director, GNU C-Graph
> >

Leah Rowe <i...@minifree.org>
Company Director & Libreboot developer
https://minifree.org/ https://libreboot.org/

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