On Fri, 2020-03-06 at 18:13 +0000, Paul Sutton wrote:
> Hi
> Hoping to attend this remotely via IRC,
> In the meantime, I will try and promote the event.
> Regards
> Paul Sutton
I attended for the first time last year and it was a great event. I met
a lot of really great people there and listened to amazing talks. I had
plans to attend in person this year but have decided against it, mostly
due to the amount of exposure from traveling. I feel I'm in pretty good
health and don't worry too much about the affects of me catching
anything, but I live in a really rural area and there is a lot of
exposure from going through airports and then being in a densely
populated area like Boston.

I'm going to try and watch the live streams and participate on IRC as
m0dese7en. Thank you to the FSF and everyone that is volunteering and
giving talks.

Matt Ivie <m0dese...@mykolab.com>

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