I agree about liying or misleading. Without ethics nothing works. I am
   talking in general not specific case.

   El dom., 15 de mar. de 2020, 09:15, a via libreplanet-discuss
   <[1]libreplanet-discuss@libreplanet.org> escribió:

     >>    In my opinion moving in one step from all closed source to all
     >>    source freedom respecting is very hard or practically
     impossible. I am
     >>    happy people are doing steps towards all open source and no
     >>    stuff. One valid step is modern hardware running open source
     >>    System out of the box. Another valid step is adding open
     source freedom
     >>    respecting bios (i.e. libreboot) to that. Another valid step
     is ... Let
     >>    us not forget the goal and keep doing steps. Small or big. All
     >>    welcome for the benefit of mankind.
     You are mixing things up. purism can make what products they
     want. What they cannot do is lie about the properties
     of their products. Do not tell people respect your freedom
     certification is an option, when it is not. And at every given
     opportunity, people should get to know, purism has
     a track record of lying.
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