Thank you for mentioning Merlot, I didn't know about it. What's the
expected audience for it? I see it's nearly impossibly to find any free
content in it.

There is a filter by "a CC license" (which of course doesn't mean
anything <>)
which returns 38k results, but according to an external search engine
maybe 5 match the name of a free license.

LM, 23/07/20 21:38:
> Are there
> any OER search engines that filter on sites that are friendly to FSF
> standards (such as Free JavaScript usage, avoiding Flash, etc.)?

Given the definition of "OER" is generally extremely broad, it's
probably easier to use a normal search engine which filters by license,
like <>, or an academic aggregator
like <>, and start the search only within
freely licensed materials.

As for websites which only use free software, it's probably easier to
search directly for the few widely used free software CMS/other. Most
are probably wikis, and most educational wikis are MediaWiki:


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