Miles Fidelman <> writes:

> To me, the key word is "defend" - and, frankly, when know-nothings
> pontificate about why free software is doomed to failure - a strong 
> defense is called for.  Not a kind defense. Not a polite defense.  A
> strong defense.  (IMO)

You (falsely) assume that a strong defence is mutually exclusive with a
kind/polite reply.  On the contrary, I urge you to consider how your ad
hominem attacks deter and distract from the points you try to make, by
instigating a defensive mood in the reader and potentially driving them
away from the community.

Reading your recent posts here, I get the impression that you seem to be
quick to jump to conclusions about people and their backgrounds you may
not know well, and either vilify and assume the worst in them, or try to
belittle them by calling them names.  I doubt anyone, including myself
or you, is born into this world an all-knowing being from day one.
Further, this kind of behaviour does little to encourage learning and
correcting misunderstandings/misconceptions.

Please STOP this, reconsider how you interact with your fellow
subscribers on this list, and please read
<> and
<> before replying

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