On Mon, 2020-09-28 at 07:33 +0300, Jean Louis wrote:
> Did you measure https://sourceforge.net/ ?
> Did you measure Bitbucket, Gitlab, private, FTP sites, non-GNU
> Savannah, and GNU Savannah or Launchpad?
> Without proper measurement of statistics, the GPL is not in decline
> for me. Because so far nobody have shown real statistics.

Measuring all the repos or all the software available on Debian is
still wrong. If I go an create a new project with GPL but it is only
useful to me that doesn't help grow the use of GPL software. Measuring
what software people actually install and how that changes over time
would be much more informative. If I convince Debian to package Bt
Builder, it doesn't matter. If everyone is installing it afterward that
means it is an important tool.

Not everyone needs the same tools so you need to get a crosssection of
users to get good information.

I don't know any studies about that. Sure you can find percentage of
new projects with GPL might be going down but if they are personal
projects that a handful of people use it is not significant. If you are
really afraid of the headlines, start forking or creating new projects
with GPL. You don't even have to include any code in the project.

Dennis Payne

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