Thu, 29 Oct 2020 09:26:17 -0700 - Aaron Wolf <>:

> [...] The FSF is not opposed
> to legal enforcement of trademarks and copyrights (copylefts in this
> case).

Sorry but I am very amazed to hear this statement.

I believed that the ethical spirit that originated GNU and GPL (copyleft),
and that is the basis of the FSF, was exactly that of opposing trademarks,
copyrights and patents. 

I believed that the primary objective of the FSF and copyleft should be on
the social level, at the service of the freedom of persons, of the
community, of justice and equality; and not on the technical, legal or
economic one. 

I have been an FSF member for many years. Perhaps the FSF has been
changing for some time. Or maybe I'm the one who doesn't understand. Maybe
I never understood. 

However, if things are really like this (and it seems to me more and more
that they are or that they are becoming) I don't think I will renew my
membership beyond that.

But I really hope the FSF makes it clear that this is not the case, in
words and above all in deeds.



Say NO to copyright, patents, trademarks and industrial design

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