Hi Jean Louis,

This is generic problem across at least 2 Ontario ministries. I have also encountered XFA forms for the Health Ministry Assistive Devices Program. I don't know exactly where to send the complaint.

1. start with https://www.ontario.ca/feedback/contact-us to find the right ministry to own the issue. maybe Ministry of Government and Consumer Services?

2. escalate up that ministry, and complete their complaints process if they are not responsive.

3. open a complaint with the Ontario Ombudsman.

4. legal action???

I will assist when I can, but I'm going to be busy with an estate for a good year at least.


On 2021-03-21 3:07 p.m., Jean Louis wrote:
Good ideas Greg, thank you, that is how to do it.

But I am not sure if original author is going to write the letter.

So please just tell me where to write the letter and I will write it
as all my closest family is in Canada, I am the black sheep that likes
East Africa.

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