* murph <mu...@member.fsf.org> [2021-03-26 17:35]:
> I'd like to share an experience of mine with Richard Stallman, and
> some reflections on the current situation.
> In about 2010 or so, I went to the Trenton Computer Festival.  Richard
> was slated to talk.  It was a treat to have him speak close to home
> for me.  I also noticed that he was listed as a leader in Open Source,
> and I thought that it would be amusing to see how he would react to
> that.  Maybe some witty barbs, and an explanation of the difference
> between the Free and Open movements, as a learning experience for the
> organizers, as well as the audience.
> I was wrong.  It was not amusing.
> I had been an associate member of the Free Software Foundation (FSF)
> for a short time at that point, and I was convinced that Free Software
> was (and still is) worthy of praise, and a brilliant idea for enabling
> people to be free through software that they use.
> When Richard was on stage, and found out about the "Open Source"
> moniker, he was outraged.  I don't recall his words of over a decade
> ago, but I thought I recall more than a little cursing.  Regardless of
> the exact words, it was unbecoming of someone of his stature.  It was
> less statesman, and more temper tantrum.
> There was quite a bit of complaining, and he wasn't sure that he could
> go on.  He was so disturbed by the misrepresentation. He eventually
> regained his composure, and gave a speech about Free Software.

Which is what matters, but you had the opportunity to correct it and
you let him get angered, you boy!


I have been speaking in public, and have been participating in
creation of a theater play. My work in the theater play was highly
respected, and was played in the premiere. But it was not played in
the public play. I was pissed off, and I wish never to see that
director again. Who cares that I got paid, why did I work? I would
never work there would I know how director would 

> I walked away that day, not energized about supporting Free Software,
> but instead thinking about the man that was in the front of the room
> talking about it.  Was this the right person to further that cause?  I
> was a new member then, so I didn't really feel it was my place to
> bring this to the FSF.  I just let it go.  Perhaps I should not have.
> Maybe I should have sent an email then, and try to raise these
> concerns.

I can fully understand your feeling, that is normal human
reaction. Emotion is better understood than the meaning behind it. But
I hope until today you got the point of Open Source, did you?

> Is the FSF truly only about Richard?

Definitely not, RMS never envisioned FSF to be about RMS, but about
free software philosophy and promotion of it.

> This is an opportunity to show that the FSF and Free Software can
> continue on without the direct guiding of Richard.  (Who will most
> likely not live forever, regardless of the current situation)

What nonsensical statements there, neither of us is most likely not to
live forever... hahahahha

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