* Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <l...@lkcl.net> [2021-03-29 15:51]:
>    On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 1:33 PM <[1]quil...@riseup.net> wrote:
>      Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <[2]l...@lkcl.net> writes:
>      [3]https://www.crnhq.org/cr-kit/
>      Great document.  Thank you, Luke.  I specially liked the
>      section 2 on discovery and creativity.  It gives a whole new
>      perspective about the potential for good in conflict.  With
>      this strategy, I think we could summarize that the problem is
>      that it hurts some people is Richard's lack of tact on
>      occassions.  But, haven't we all had lack of tact at times?
>      So, the best solution is not to cancel him.  The best would be
>      to channel that lack of tact.  I suggest we find a way that his
>      anger can be useful for him and everyone else, without making
>      rules to control him or to portray him as the cause of all
>      evil.

I have not seen this Luke Kenneth's comment.

My observation on the RMS's tactfulness is quite something different,
he warns, calms down people, and do not get upset on these things what
people speak about him. He is interacting by email with many
participants in GNU community and he causes important events to happen
without raising emotions, pointing out to GNU Kind Communication
Guidelines, finally he is the one who wrote it.

RMS merits are on video:

RMS is human and as human those disagreements that represent 0.001% of
his total works are sometimes filmed by individuals whose purpose is
not promotion of free software but defamation. And so they do. Every
single person on this mailing list had personal issues that when such
would be on the video, such could cause "public resentment". That does
not represent the person as a whole.

In my opinion this type of judgments of any person do not belong on
this mailing list, as we do not support hereby freedom, control of
users' data, free software, did we get anything good out of this

> my recommendation is this: contact all these people and ask them
> instead of seeking to exclude someone from their inclusive culture,
> invite Dr Stallman to get help and training, recognising first and
> foremost that he's not in the slightest bit "normal", and
> appreciating that this was what allowed him to start Free Software
> in the first place.

Those people may not understand your, to me, logical terminology, they
will take it literally just as I think many of them took the words of
rumour as literal and absolute meanings that should be justification
for defamation of RMS.

By the way, defamation is in many US states, and worldwide, an offense
punishable by money, sometimes even prison.


Violation of subsection (2) is justified if:

(a) the defamatory matter is true;

MY COMMENT: if not true, defamation is criminal in many states. Do not
add to it yourself. If you do not know what is true, be vary if you
wish to publish such opinion to remain forever in the archive of this
mailing list. It may consitute an evidence in the court.

(b) the communication is absolutely privileged; 

(c) the communication consists of fair comment made in good faith with
respect to persons participating in matters of public concern;

MY COMMENT: I do not see how those comments, like the letter of
opposition on Github constitute good faith.

(d) the communication consists of a fair and true report or a fair
summary of any judicial, legislative, or other public or official
proceedings; or

MY COMMENT: There is no fair and true report as context has been taken
out intentionally by subscribers to criminal defamation of RMS.

(e) the communication is between persons each having an interest or
duty with respect to the subject matter of the communication and is
made with the purpose to further the interest or duty.

MY COMMENT: I doubt that his could be valid in the court, as signers
are not related to RMS, neither have any interest in RMS being on the
board, or not. It is private foundation, founded by RMS, that acts on
its articles of incorporation and by-laws. It does not and should not
act based on public rumours brought up in bad faith.

> Autistic-spectrum -- blah, blah...

This list is not for psychiatric labeling of anyone.


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