On 30/03/2021 04:23, quil...@riseup.net wrote:
Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> writes:

* quiliro <quil...@riseup.net> [2021-03-29 18:48]:
* A policy where you are innocent of a crime till proven guilty, this
protects both victims and the accused.  Investigations should aim to
reach the facts of what happened,

I did not write this.

That may have been me writing that, the current cancel mentality means that a single line from a statement, clip from video, social media post is taken and used against someone. If what is said is later clarified, (which can be quite common for things to be explained further later in a document or video at least)

However that statement surely also applies to the legal system, you are innocent until proven guilty, investigations collate evidence, establish facts, both the prosecution and defense can cross examine this in court. Surely the same applies in the work place.

I am from the UK so maybe work place culture is different here.

Lets just move on, build a community where people can work together, feel safe and feel they 'can' continue to speak up.


Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open)
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