On 04/04/2021 03:54, Thomas Lord wrote:
      Good programmers inevitably learn, somewhere along the way, the
      following lesson:
      When you encounter a very hard problem to solve, don't spend all
      your time just on the problem.  Also question whether it really
      needs to be solved - or if a better approach avoids the problem in
      the first place.
      Libre Planet is built on the following intolerable premise: People
      should fly from around the world to Boston, once a year, to connect
      free software activists and enthusiasts in a social setting
      conducive to sharing presentations, meeting, and having informal
      Only one part of that premise is no longer tolerable, at all, in
      2021: the travel it requires.  Air travel is, with perhaps very rare
exceptions, wildly, intolerably socially irresponsible. The rate
      which fossil fuel emissions must now fall is so rapid, it not
      compatible with widespread air travel, and it is not compatible with
      current levels of energy demand.
      This same problem, in addition to the pandemic's discouragement of
      large "meatspace" conferences, effects not only Libre Planet, but
      everyone on the planet.  Few are no fly-in conferences are anything
      but extremely irresponsible in 2021.  It's just a fact.


      It will be hard to replace the Libre Planet conference but perhaps
      not *too* hard 64Good programmers inevitably learn, somewhere along
      the way, the following lesson:
      When you encounter a very hard problem to solve, don't spend all
      your time just on the problem.  Also question whether it really
      needs to be solved - or if a better approach avoids the problem in
      the first place.
      Libre Planet is built on the following intolerable premise: People
      should fly from around the world to Boston, once a year, to connect
      free software activists and enthusiasts in a social setting
      conducive to sharing presentations, meeting, and having informal
      Only one part of that premise is no longer tolerable, at all, in
      2021: the travel it requires.  Air travel is, with perhaps very rare
exceptions, wildly, intolerably socially irresponsible. The rate
      which fossil fuel emissions must now fall is so rapid, it not
      compatible with widespread air travel, and it is not compatible with
      current levels of energy demand.
      This same problem, in addition to the pandemic's discouragement of
      large "meatspace" conferences, effects not only Libre Planet, but
      everyone on the planet.  Few are no fly-in conferences are anything
      but extremely irresponsible in 2021.  It's just a fact.
      It will be hard to replace the Libre Planet conference but perhaps
      not *too* hard.  We have software like jitsi.  We have telephony
      So forth.
      Perhaps Libre Planet should evolve into an annual "big event" online
      but also an ongoing series of smaller online events.   I don't know.
      People with a clearer picture of the needs should discuss that.
      For now, it is enough to say that a conference premised on air-travel
      is in and of itself an astonishing anti-social proposition in 2021,
      from now on.
      Of course online conferences also need behavioral guidelines, but
      there is no point squabbling over those until we begin to have some
      permanent online conference infrastructure in place.  And until that
      infrastructure is in place, Libre Planet should do the right thing
      take no further steps that would  encourage air travel.


This appears to be more of a 'environmental' argument rather than a code of conduct argument. But some good points are raised.

That aside, I think there is an element of meeting old / new friends at conferences, the positive relationships that form and opportunities that arise out of this can in some cases outweigh even the best conference speech.

The pandemic has caused a lot of problems, in terms of isolation and mental health which has resulted by isolation. People want to get back out and the human instinct is to be in groups.

I think there is scope for hybrid conferences, but it would be nice to fly over. If that isn't possible then what we have virtually works really well, so lets find ways to stream live conference talks at events.

Don't forget also that conferences are really valuable to local economies, people using hotels, visiting local shops, cafes bars, restaurants give local economies a real boost and esp when many have had to close for a year. Without this these places would close, jobs would be lost. If I fly over to Libreplanet in Boston from the UK, I would probably want to stay for a week, see the sighgts around boston. I would guess others would look to do the same.

We get together in huge numbers to watch sport (e.g football, soccer baseball, etc) is that any different

I think you raise some good points, perhaps one topic could be sustainable travel , and we can find ways to get more public transport running on sustainable fuels for example, get software to help with ticketing as free software for example.


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