On 210421-08:39-0300, Jorge P. de Morais Neto wrote:
> Hi.
> Em [2021-04-20 ter 21:23:03+0200], Miroslav Rovis escreveu:
> > It wasn't much search:
> >
> > https://lists.dyne.org/lurker/message/20210326.120708.aaaed337.en.html
> Interesting.  And if you are subscribed, you might want to publicize
> stallmansupport.org there.  It is a more comprehensive effort (and it
> links to my essay).
I'm inactive on the list. Not sure I can do much.

> > And it would take me time.  But it does not show well in Pale Moon.
> How about if you disable CSS for the article?  Maybe then it shows well
> on Pale Moon.
Not the article:
I have issues with, but the gitlab repo:
, in Pale Moon (still, just checked again).

> > BTW, I sent you another email because what I replied is not on:
> > https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/libreplanet-discuss/2021-04/index.html
> > They do seem to be censoring, or clumsily deleting mail by accident...
> > This email of yours that I am replying to, and it's some 30 hours old,
> > is not there either...  Why?
> I have no idea.  I have just reported the problem to sysad...@gnu.org in
> an email message CC’ed to you.
Finally emails might be back to appear, any difficulty in moderation management
hopefully surpassed.

> > In case the conversation is to be soon concluded: It has been a
> > pleasure to converse with you!  Maybe we meet again on the net. (But
> > I'm still open if there's any more to discuss!)
> Its my pleasure.  Do you use free instant messaging technologies so we
> can chat?  I use XMPP and Matrix.  I will send you my usernames via a
> private message.
Received that message. Will act.
> God bless!
> -- 
> - <https://stallmansupport.org> "In Support of Richard Stallman"

I was stuck with this for a while, in you signature:
> - <https://www.defectivebydesign.org>

E.g. I didn't figure out on my own that:
was the worst offender. But it sounds just right. They are.


Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia
my PGP-key:

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