
I've tried to find out who the webmasters are on the related
main page and around with no success, so I'm asking about it

Among other pages I browsed, I visited this one, where the
non-requested bandwidth-consuming download occurred:
The page appears to have automatically made my browser
(Moonchild Productions Pale Moon 29.2.0) start downloading a
713M webm file. The file is:
grandsun1715-grandsun1715.webm (as I've _later_ downloaded
it to watch it),
and it gets downloaded from the link on the page under:
> Download
> Original file
the link being:

I concluded that only after analysis of the traffic dump
pertaining to the time of browsing that page, as well as the
screencast of the same time (I do dumping and casting

It also wasn't useful, as I didn't know what was
downloading, nor where (and I'm not that familiar with
hacking the browser cache, yet). It was, likely, some
preloading that really was not asked for.

And as for some reason, later the TLS in the traffic dump wouldn't
decrypt for the part of the TCP stream of the download (the
huuge part; btw the dump would grind a non-modern pocessor to a
halt with its hugeness).

And not even did I get in Wireshark the reply to the
http.request corresponding to the the download (which you
only get in Wireshark once the download request is fully

It's probably the Javascript that the page calls, and it's
probably non-intentional. Bug likely in the page and its
software, as this does not happen to me on other video
hosting pages with this browser.

If this is enough to notify the admin of the page to correct
the code, I've done my notification, if not, I am willing to
tell more details.


Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia
my PGP-key:

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