On 8/20/21 1:41 AM, fischersfr...@sent.at wrote:
jahoti writes:
a good strategy might be asking what to do if you don't have a mobile
phone (or pretending you don't).

This already is my strategy, and it fails. I think the problem is
that people don't know; that is, people without mobile phones are rare
staff either were never told what to do about it or were told but
forgot. They do try to advise me based on their own knowledge, beyond
official instructions, but it is very hard for people who use
smartphones to advise me on whether I need a smartphone, since there
could be a small, forgettable step of the process that requires a

Very true; I extend my greatest sympathies to you for dealing with that.

jahoti writes:
Also, as stupid a question as it is, have you seen
? If not, they might be useful, and if so then I concur with others that
a good strategy might be asking what to do if you don't have a mobile
phone (or pretending you don't).

I considered not mentioning this point about the doctor's office, since
one might see it as the fault of the office and not related to software
licensing. However, I see it as a reflection of dependance on
proprietary dis-services. I suspect most people in my position would
have search with proprietary a search engine for something like "covid
test in new york", and clicked on one of the proprietary pharmacy web
pages, and signed up in a way that does not respect their freedom. If
this is the common practice and office staff were not specifically
informed of alternatives, it is only reasonable that staff would not be
able advise me on how to get tested.

Indeed, it doesn't really seem fair to blame anyone except the software vendors and lawmakers for this (and, if they had any other feasible choice, the owners of the practice).

Unfortunately, that webpage links to a proprietary disservice (MyChart)
nominally managed by the NYC Health + Hospitals but truly managed
by the company Epic. This disservice runs proprietary JavaScript.
I could call some places to see if there is an alternative, but
I suspect to encounter the same difficulties as everywhere else, so
I think I will stick with my current plan rather than looking
for other places.

That's a completely respectable decision, and if you take/have taken it I have nothing to offer except gratitude for you trying to bring light to a critical issue.

However, for any future people interested and you if you still have any interest, some other possibilities: - I might have misunderstood the page, in which case I apologize; however, that webpage is nominally for walk-in testing which (at least to my assumption) means there's the option of just turning up and getting a test.

- if you have a community center or public facilities of some sort, that might be a better place to ask for "low-tech" options, as they probably need to support people who don't have those kinds of luxuries.

- While I have no idea how effective it would be in Manhattan, a last-resort option could be to call and suggest you think you have (or might have) CoViD-19. Where I am that will get you just about anything :).

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