Thanks for coming to the meeting, everybody! The notes are attached.

And just so people see it, I'll reiterate that if you give us your FSF
CAS username (same as membership forum, LP wiki,, we can
give you access to the FSF Etherpad instance, which we'll be using to
collbaorate on a few things.


* 2021-11-12 lp committee meeting
attendees: bandali, gregf, paul, zoë

** seagl
*** paul was about to promote but the vibe wasn't right / fsf was being talked about negatively at the time
*** it was probably a good decision not to promote all things considering
*** seagl will re-evaluate their relationship to fsf after any fsf board announcements
** emacsconf
*** a lot of prerecorded videos are coming in; there will be live q&a on bbb. speakers will join
*** sacha is transcribing a lot of the videos
*** seems like this is a good setup for accessibility, since things will be transcribed etc
*** there are 47 talks
*** nice that it has a simple layout / lists talks that will be captioned and how people can help
** libreplanet cfs / outreach
*** we'll be putting the cfs forward 2 weeks
*** zoë and greg have been behind with campaigns / fundraiser work, but we'll be refocusing to lp soon
*** aral balkan said no because of last year
** if everyone sends their FSF cas login to zoë, we can give you etherpad access
*** bandali
*** PaulSutton
** volunteering
*** we will need volunteers for different tasks, same as last year like irc monitors
*** there was a long period of inactivity for the lp wiki. part of the challenge is that people need to realize it's being updated again
*** coordinating libreplanet wiki stuff with gnu likely wouldn't save much time

Greg Farough // Campaigns Manager
Free Software Foundation

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