What if there was a combined Free Software, OSHW and Right to Repair
   group, providing ideological leadership in a peer to peer fashion via
   federated services (including Git-based code hosting) and an emphasis
   on teaching how to self-host your own federated hosting infrastructure?

   I'm discussing this on my twitter too:

   And on Mastodon. [2]https://mas.to/@libreleah/107270135261193137

   However, I'm also seeking discussion here on this list.

   I wish to gauge the public's response before I proceed for real. Plus,
   I intend to bring people onboard to help me start this new initiative.


   1. https://twitter.com/n4of7/status/1459522798892859399
   2. https://mas.to/@libreleah/107270135261193137
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