On 08/03/2022, Julian Daich <julian.da...@freecomputerlabs.org> wrote:
> El 6/3/22 a las 14:27, Pen-Yuan Hsing escribió:
>> Dear Julian,
>> Have you looked at the CERN Open Hardware License 2.0?
>> https://ohwr.org/project/cernohl/wikis/Documents/CERN-OHL-version-2
>>> It has a strongly-reciprocal variant which is like the GPL but for
>> physical objects:
>> https://ohwr.org/cern_ohl_s_v2.txt
> Hi Pen-Yuan,
> I read both licenses. They have very limited enforceability.
>> Is there something you're trying to do with this LINDS license that the
>> CERN OHL 2.0 does not?
> Yes, better legal enforceability and the way in which trademarks are
> handled.
> You are welcome to read and compare.
> Best,
> Julian

Dear Julian,

What do you mean by "legal enforceability"? What makes a license more
or less enforceable? It would be important to define this clearly. And
can you explain why the CERN OHL 2.0 licenses are not enforceable

As for trademarks, careful and professional legal reading will be
needed, too. Depending on how you word a license, it might make the
license non-free. Can you explain in detail what your concerns about
trademarks are regarding existing licenses such as, but not limited
to, the CERN OHL 2.0 licenses?

Also, I strongly echo Valentino's response. License proliferation is a
big problem and one should avoid creating a new license as much as
possible, and to be honest because of my questions above, it is not
clear to me what your new license brings to the table.

This is not a malicious criticism, just trying to better understand
where you are coming from! I am also not a lawyer so might have missed
something critical in your new proposed license.

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