On Thu, 2022-03-10 at 16:01 +0000, Jacob Hrbek wrote:
> It's just fucking crazy to argue that us writting a software for the 
> russian army is somehow a "good thing for freedom" when all rules of 
> freedom are being shelled with cluster bombs in ukraine at the time
> when 
> even the definition of neutrality (SWITZERLAND!!) joined up on the 
> sanctions.
Nobody wrote the software FOR the Russian army specifically. I'm not
sure what you want everyone to do here. Do you have any army to back
your idea of restricting the Russian army from using Free Software?

Even if we suddenly changed licensing terms to exclude acts of war or
whatever that would only be active going forward, not retroactive if
I'm understanding the licenses properly. Meaning there are repositories
of software out there that would be available for use.

Also, if someone is committing a war crime, do you think they'll stop
at violating a software license? Like leveling a city was okay to them
but violating software terms is the hard line they just won't cross?

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