This is a job opportunity I just saw today at the Center for Humane Technology that is tangentially related to many of the same goals of creating LibrePlanet that works well for everyone (even if it is not an exact match):
"CHT's mission is to catalyze a humane future. We reframe the insidious effects of persuasive technology, expose the runaway systems beneath, and deepen the capacity of leaders across sectors and global decision-makers to take wise action. In 2020, CHT was thrilled to support the development and release of The Social Dilemma, the acclaimed Netflix documentary directed by Jeff Orlowski-Yang on the existential threats posed by social media, reaching an estimated 100 million viewers worldwide. This product management role is for someone who cares deeply about making a difference in tomorrow’s technology products. Our online course, Foundations of Humane Technology, is a significant strategic opportunity to engage with a growing ecosystem of humane technologists to drive cultural change throughout the industry. The course equips a growing movement with core principles, frameworks, and practices in humane technology. Thousands of people are already enrolled, with orders of magnitude more coming, and interest from a wide range of partners across technology, policy, investment, media, and more. Reporting to CHT Co-Founder Randima Fernando and working in close collaboration, our Humane Innovation Lead will own day-to-day responsibility for our course and its community. This includes course content and user experience, packaging for different audiences (including workshops), marketing, public presentations, and supporting our global community. ..."

More on CHT:
"The Center for Humane Technology (formerly known as Time Well Spent) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to radically reimagining the digital infrastructure. Its mission is to drive a comprehensive shift toward humane technology that supports the collective well-being, democracy and shared information environment. CHT has diagnosed the systemic harms of the attention economy, which it says include internet addiction, mental health issues, political extremism, political polarization, and misinformation. Founded in 2013, the organization gained greater renown after its involvement in the Netflix original documentary The Social Dilemma, which examined how social media companies profit off of political polarization and the spread of conspiracy theories, while also causing psychological and emotional harm to users. "

I have no connection to CHT other than admiring what they seem to aspire to do, being on their announcement mailing list, and also just signing up for the free-as-in-beer course they have:
"Foundations of Humane Technology"
"To build technology that matters tomorrow, we have to start with different principles today. This self-paced online course prepares product teams to create technology that treats attention and intention as sacred, protects well-being, and builds our collective capacity to address humanity’s most urgent challenges."

Anyway, posting this in hopes that some people here may want to help improve that course and the related project using LibrePlanet ideals such as:
"Free software is paramount for a free society. As computers play increasingly integral roles in more and more aspects of our lives, the role of software freedom in guaranteeing our general freedom grows in parallel. The software which runs on our computers defines how we experience and interact with the world, so we must ensure that we have the freedom and control to determine how we connect and communicate with each another. Otherwise, we make our autonomy contingent on the people and corporations who own software."

--Paul Fernhout (
"The biggest challenge of the 21st century is the irony of technologies of abundance in the hands of those still thinking in terms of scarcity."

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