On 5/8/23 10:28, Aaron Wolf wrote:
    Big Blue Button or Jitsi


If you are interested, Agaric, a Boston-based tech cooperative whose members have spoken at LibrePlanet on a number of occasions, has a BBB service that they provide for the community.

You can test it out at https://communitybridge.com/bbb-room/demo/ (no special account needed)

The folks at Agaric are always interested in empowering local governments to use free software tools. If you want to reach out to them, you can send a message via https://agaric.coop/contact

If you need any other help, please let us know.


Devin Ulibarri // Outreach & Communications Coordinator
Free Software Foundation

US government employee? Use CFC charity code 63210 to support us through
the Combined Federal Campaign. https://cfcgiving.opm.gov/

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