On 5/9/23 07:32, J.B. Nicholson wrote:
The punishment for this fraud did not include mandating free software.
As far as I know, none of the victimized customers ended up with free
software car firmware and the means to update applicable cars to a libre
version of that software (no TiVOization allowed). I'm not interested in
how many anyone thinks would have used it, as that's a side issue and
pure speculation. I'm interested in what the public should have demanded
and what the public should still receive.

Demanding software freedom is eminent sense if we are genuinely trying
to "[prevent] a recurrence of vehicle emissions scandals" as is the
subject of this thread. One should want the car owners to be free to run
their cars as they wish and to also let publishers know that their
illegal collusion will be punished by losing that proprietary control.

My guess would be that one or both of these committees would be the
right ones to contact:

 "Committee on Transport and Tourism"

 "Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety"

Sure, individuals can write but there can be merit in having a
professional organization (or several) make the contact and work towards
software freedom in vehicle ECMs.


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