Hi Paul!

"Paul D. Fernhout" <pdfernh...@kurtz-fernhout.com> writes:

> Glad to read about "hyperdrive.el" by another poster as one more
> alternative for distributed content. I personally enjoy working on
> software in that area myself sometimes in my spare time.

I welcome you to join our XMPP chat room to share ideas!


> A deeper issue, however, is the need for wide adoption of free
> standards for persistent distributed content (like HTTP became a
> widely adopted standard). While coding is fun and potentially useful,
> such standards are more important for social software than good free
> implementations (even if they ultimately go together and benefit each
> other, and a really good implementation widely adopted can define a
> de-facto social standard).

In IPFS-land, there's https://specs.ipfs.tech/

> I made a Lightning Talk for LibrePlanet 2022 related to that issue:
> https://media.libreplanet.org/u/libreplanet/m/lightning-talk-free-libre-standards-for-social-media-and-other-communications/
> And I say there, I think helping define and promote such free
> standards for free distributed content and related tools is a valuable
> role the FSF could play in fostering a more libre planet.

Thank you for sharing!  What kinds of responses have you received to
your talk from the FSF or other groups/individuals?

> Some related content by archive.org:
> https://blog.archive.org/tag/distributed-web/

The first link on that page is to the Dat Project, later renamed to
Hypercore, now <https://holepunch.to/>.  Our project, hyperdrive.el, is
an Emacs interface to the free software libraries released by Holepunch.



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