Google is effectively useless these days.  Several years ago I switched 
default search engine to DuckDuckGo, and that made searching a bit better for
a while, but that started to go downhill as well; now I'm using Kagi, which
is much better, but does charge a small fee for better searching.


On Sunday 26 May 2024 20:12:57 Akira Urushibata wrote:
> I believe many subscribers to this list have noticed that Google
> search has changed substantially in recent years.  For instance, when
> I try to search a publication from the 1800s I have to dig through a
> long list of online merchants wishing to sell a preserved specimen
> before I reach a public library offering a freely downloadable scan
> in its digital archive.  I don't think I am alone in this regard.
> BBC reports on how Google's recent algorithm changes have affected
> internet traffic.  Some sites are reporting drastic loss of traffic.
> As a prime example of an adversely affected business, the article
> discusses the case of House Fresh, a site that publishes results of
> independently conducted tests of air purifiers:
> Google just updated its algorithm. The Internet will never be the same
> ---
> House Fresh describes on their official site what happened to them and
> discusses possible causes.  Some unusual behavior, such as Forbes the
> financial magazine uploading articles discussing pet care, is reported:
> HouseFresh disappeared from Google Search results. Now what?
> The following article discusses how the changes affect academics.  It
> says that Google search was once a reliable tool to find relevant
> information, but not any more:
> Google Search really has gotten worse. It's not just you. | Mashable
> Academics deserting from Google search, if true, is an ominous
> development.  As scholars distinguishing between truth and falsehood
> is a crucial task and as educators they influence the behavior of
> students.  Another way to say this is that academics will no longer
> perform the role of promoter.
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