Date: Sat, 20 May 2000 17:51:22 -0700
From: TechnoDragon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem with L30

>password, BUT they also have deleted everything on the HD. They said

        Whenever I send in a laptop to have it serviced, I always remove the HD
first, god knows what the service center does to it. Let this be a lesson
to everyone else, pull the HD (it's really easy with teh libretto) before
sending it in, after you're sure that it's not the HD or the software on
the HD that has a prob.

>that they couldn't re-install W95 because they didn't have it on
>floppies, but that it could be done jus by passing the CD to several (!)
>I think those people have made a mistake and didn't want to assume it,
>and I'm not sure that W95 can be installed this way (maybe some of the
>"units" are bigger than 1.44Mb).
>Does anybody know what I could do?

        There are several means. The easiest way, that only requires a bunch of
floppies, is to use the DOS version of PKUNZIP, and either DOS PKZIP or
        Take your Windows 95 / 98 cd and compress all of the files in the
D:\WIN95 / D:\WIN98 folder with multiple disk spanning. This way, the files
that are too big to fit on a floppy alone with be broken up and then
reassembled on the HD of teh destination PC. MS decided to make the files
too big on purpose to reduce the ease of people giving other people copies
of Win 95 / 98 if they don't have a cd burner and them using floppies instead.
        If there are subdirectories from the D:\win95 / d:\win98 folders, like is
the case with win98, those sub folders don't need to be compressed or taken
        Now, you should have your libretto, a stack of like 40 or so ( :) )
floppies, a libretto floppy drive, and a boot disk with DOS PKUNZIP on it.
Boot the computer with the floppy, and quick format the HD and make it
bootable ( c: /q /s). This'll nuke whatever toshiba did to it,
and make the HD bootable.
        Une PKUNZIP to decompress all of the floppies to the HD. I perfer putting
all of the files in a C:\WINDOWS\WIN95CD folder. Upon installation, it
complains that the C:\WINDOWS folder allready exists and it wants to
install to C:\WINDOWS.000 instead, but change it to C:\WINDOWS and it'll
work just fine.
        Now, you just finished PKUNZIPping the 33mb (or so of win95a) to the HD,
reboot the libretto, without any floppies so that it boots off of the HD.
Type in C:\WINDOWS\WIN95CD\SETUP and it'll install from the HD to the HD,
and all of your .cab files will be on your HD as well so it'll /never/ ask
for you to insert your win 95 cd!

        Some alternatives if that procedure dosen't work perfectly. Use an IOMega
Zip Drive. This makes that procedure /very/ easy. No fiddling with pkzip,
everythign transfered many times faster, etc. Borrow one from a friend if
you don't have one of your own. Just be certain it's the parallel port
model of zip drive (easier to use with what the average libretto comes
with), and you have a port replicator.
        If you have a very limited number of floppies, zip up only a few files at
a time, if not just one file at a time spanning across two floppies.
This'll take longer as a whole to transfer everything, but will mean you
won't have to go out and buy a bunch of blank floppies that you'll only use

        After Win95 get's instelled, install the Toshiba Libretto utilities from
their web site, and you'l be finished.

>A friend has told me that some time ago he heard about a program that,
>when run under DOS, could communicate two computers so that one could

        Yeah, Interlink and Interserver. I used those a lot back in my Win 3.1x
days. I have never gotten them to work very well under Win '9x and interact
with the older DOS 6.22 version. It is a possibility, but you'll need a
special parallel port cable, or a null modem cable (very slow). My
technique above dosen't require any special hardware, and you'll be able to
do it with just a libretto floppy drive, and two blank floppy disks.

>There's another thing I'd like to communicate: some days ago I asked
>about the availability of memory cards to upgrade the memory of an L30.
>Well, to those interested in doing this, it could be useful to see this:
> .

        Ohh, thanks, A friend of mine has been looking for that.

|       the ·TechnoDragon·       |
|       [EMAIL PROTECTED]        |
| |

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