Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 14:19:02 +0200
From: "Franklin Eekhout" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Win2000 on Libretto

> I wish to install Windows 2000 - just for fun!!!

I installed W2K Pro on my L50... :-) It is fun to have W2K running on a VHS
sized machine with a P75, 32 MB and on a 1GB partition.... Nobody believes
it's possible!

> Anyone done this? If so, was it easy?

>From memory:

I have a 4 GB disk. I defragged first, then used Partition Magic to make a 1
GB partition. Started the installation over the network from a cd that had
been shared out. Told it to install onto the correct partition, I wanted
NTFS and voila!

Just had to wait 3 hours for the install to finish... :-)

It is very stable, not a single crash yet. Sound, pcmcia, NIC, hibernation,
mouse, everything was detected and works. Except the screen! :-( I haven't
found the correct driver yet.

Try it, you'll like it!



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