Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 09:50:22 EDT
Subject: Re: H Re: w98... yes o r no?

In a message dated 9/13/2000 3:49:49 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 

>   <A
>  Which reminds me Jim, did you get the left handed thread on that bolt in 
>  your neck sorted out (or was that a different film?...Tonight, Igor, we 
>  build a monster...)
Just a little rust, a shot of WD-40 ( <A HREF="">Click 
here: WD-40 </A> ) and I am as good as new. Left handed and metric, perfectly 
normal for a left ponder assembled from a mix of domestic and foreign parts. 
A little identity problem though, I can't figure out if you are the opposite 
sex or I am. Given my advanced years, the girls don't even look to see!

I guess with the with a new 80 Gb drive in the Lib 50 I would have enough 
room for Win 98, but I will need to put a bigger crank on the side. Getting 
desperate as the Lib falls further and further behind the software curve. 
Stall ! STALL !

Jim Ray, Phoenix, AZ, USA
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