Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 23:36:44 +0100
From: "Libretto List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 100CT problems, lots of!

> >> Do check whether your infrared port is activated or not. If it is ...
> >> that's the reason. I always disabled mine by default and enabled it
> >> when I want to use it with my 7110.
> >
> >Well, the report that hibernation would not work in 98 seems to be
> >superceded when you install the BIOS update. I updated to 8 and installed
> >Win98SE and it works fine, even with the Infrared working, which does
> >well under 98 with the 780fir driver.
> Ahh yes! I forgot to mention that I did flash my BIOS to ver. 8 too. But
> I still disabled the IrDA port to be on the safe side.

Well, I have the latest BIOS, tried running Win98 (not SE) and I got exactly
the problems that Toshiba mentioned. I may well try again if (when) I get a
bigger hard drive for it.



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