Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2000 13:40:32 GMT
From: "Fubar Libretto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: LINUX boot+copy files between PC-card slots

Re my 'quest' to copy files between PC-card slots, from a CF1 flash memory 
card (in a PC-card adapter) to an Iomega 'Clik' disk...

I just found the following Clik/Linux page:
which even includes a paragraph:

<> Toshiba Libretto 100/110 CT
<> The drive only works in slot 0, the bottom PCMCIA slot.
<> I guess this is something to do with the Cardbus stuff in slot 1.

Kinda looks promising, though I have no Linux experience whatsoever so right 
now it's all way over my head.

So, before pursuing this further, my question is - can anyone advise the 
feasability of booting Linux from a floppy, and then being able to copy 
between PC-cards...  obviously I can use more than one floppy disk (I could 
even use another CF card or Clik drive, if it would help), but I *can't* use 
the built-in Libretto hard drive...
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