Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 10:57:54 -0500
From: "Larry Williard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Lib 100ct in Car

    I have used my 100ct in the car for about 1 year. I use Delorme Street Atlas and a 
Garmen GPSII. There is a newsgroup for GPS on the Internet and there I found a guy 
that has made connectors for it, for which I ordered for $5.00. I then removed the 
batteries and hooked the power up to a cig lighter cable. For the Lib, I cut the power 
cable about 6 inches from the powersupply end and soldered a female 1/8 phone 
connector on the powersupply end and a male 1/8" phone connector on the Lib end. I 
then added a small 6" piece of cable to the cig lighter connector where I soldered a 
1/8" male connector as on on the power supply. I always leave the cable plugged into 
the Lib and when I'm home I just plug the other end into the Power supply and when on 
the road I plug the cable into the cig lighter cable end. I can send a pict. if you 
need one. I run both straight off the car battery. As for holding it. I just bought a 
roll of Velcro with sticky tape on the back side and put a strip on the dash and the 
operate piece on the bottom of the lib and another piece on the GPS. It has held it 
just fine.


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