Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 09:18:27 -0500
From: "Harrison, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MP3 vs WMA

I've noticed quite a few discussions about using Librettos as MP3 players.
So, I'd like to ask somewhat off topic questions (only somewhat, I think,
because of the resource limits of the Libretto).

I've just read that Microsoft's WMA format offers almost a doubling of the
compression ratio compared to MP3's.  So, CD quality audio can be achieved
at 64bit sampling levels.  This results in files sized of half.  Based on
this alone, I'd love to go through and convert my MP3 collect and
essentially double the size of my hard drive!  

First question is, what is the down side of the format?  

Second, the ripper I use will also "convert" mp3's to WMA.  What bit rate
would I have to have in the source MP3 to end up with a good 64 bit WMA.

Once again, I apologize about the "somewhat" off topic post.


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