Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2001 23:44:56 -0400
From: "Ian C. Melville" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: L100 hdd spin-down

I have recently setup my 100ct from scratch installing win98 (and the toshiba specific 
bits from the recovery cd). I couldn't install the OS from the cd as i'd hoped because 
i didn't have a pc card cd-rom drive handy. Everything works just fine except that my 
hdd refuses to spin-down after my set period of inactivity--the screen shuts down and 
dims, the cpu seems to throttle back also as expected but the hdd is very stubborn and 
just keeps spinning whole day!

I'm using both the toshiba power saver and the win98 power management but still no 
joy... Can anyone shed any light on this...?


Ian C. Melville

Trinidad, West Indies

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