Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 07:50:41 -0800
From: "Tom Stangl, VFAQman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Stop quoting the entire Digest!

I've noted a great increase in TOTALLY CLUELESS people that can't seem
to figure out how to use the Delete key.

There is NO earthly reason that you need to quote an entire Digest to
answer one post in it.

GET A CLUE, people!

It's one thing to post things that are off topic but funny, but if
you're stupid enough to not even notice your reply has an entire Digest
attached at the bottom, you really need to go buy some brain cells or
stop killing the ones you have.

If this is a Hotmail thing you have no control over, get a different

Tom Stangl
***DSM Visual FAQ home
***SF Bay Area DSMs

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