Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 15:27:12 -0500
From: "Hui, Clifford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Help this fuul out


Things get a bit complicated when trying to install PC Card files on your
Libretto.  Although you've installed Win95, not all the files from those
floppies reside on your hard disk.

As a result, one of the problems you're running into is this:  some of the
files your Libretto is asking for during the install are not found on the
hard drive OR the floppy your network card came with -- they're still on
your Win95 install diskettes in one of the .cab files.

So, if you have no alternative, you may be forced to copy some (or even all)
of your Windows diskettes directly to your hard drive in addition to your
Win95 install.  

Hope that helps,


-----Original Message-----
From: Shepardson, John D. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 3:17 PM
To: Libretto
Subject: Help this fuul out

Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 12:12:27 -0800
From: "Shepardson, John D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help this fuul out

Thank goodness I am finally on the Libretto list.

I have an L50.

I'll try to be brief about my last weekend
disaster trying to install an Ethernet card in
my libretto.  What I basically did was to 
partially install the drivers for my SMC8040
(I think) Ethernet adapter, and could not
get win95 to boot because of driver problems.
(VxD dynamic link errors).

I reinstalled all 28 disks of the Win95 OS
but It still wouldn't boot, I had the exact
same bootup problems as before.  So I formatted
the disk (after backing up in safe mode),
reinstalled Win95 again and kept trying to get
the Ethernet card installed.  At one point
I could see it was communicating with my Mac,
but on the next bootup, all kinds of problems
with many new and wonderful driver errors.

Now I have reformatted the hd and installed
Win95 again.  I just don't know what order to
do this installation.

The main problem I have is that when I try to
add new hardware via the addnewhardware control
panel, or the network control panel, when I get
to the point where I say "Have Disk", the
control panel says "There are no drivers of that
type for this hardware on that disk" or something
like that.  So I try to install manually and get
a few files done when it starts asking me where
files like netapi.dll, or netware.dll are.
These are System files, right?  Shouldn't the 
installer be able to figure that out?  So I get
halfway installed, and that's it, no more booting.

During my several rebuilds, I noticed I had similar
problems with the graphics drivers and oplsax drivers
not being recognized until I rebooted or installed
some other accessory first. 

I'm pretty confused, I used to be a Mac programmer
a long time ago, even worked for Apple C in
Cupertino, so I'm no idiot, but I am a Windows idiot.

Has anyone ever documented all of the steps in setting
up an L50 from format through total install?
I have done it several times, but the results always
seem different, and there are always frustrations
and difficulties along the way.

John Shepardson

P.S. my libretto 50 has 35,000 miles of motorcycle
touring time as an MP3 player and GPS navigator.
It runs fine off the bikes accessory terminal.

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