Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2001 22:39:51 -0700
Subject: Re: I'm Back!

Thanks Arnold, for your help. Haven't had a chance to try it out yet.

After searching and reading in the support section of Toshiba's site,
I discovered that the hibernation feature still has not been enabled to
work in W98se.

You'd think after all this time, there would be a driver or something
from them for this. So all my questions on hibernating with my 20gb
drive are unnecessary.  Bummer :-/

Oh well, I'm glad anyway to have another Libby, and be back amoung
this fine group :-)

Altho, I'd still appreciate knowing a good version of Red Hat that will
work on my 100 without having to be tweaked to death.


"arnold.s milstein" wrote:

> Does the Libretto recognize the full 20 gigs without any overlays or
> advanced operating system? I understand the Toshiba drives do. If not, maybe
> this will help. I just installed an IBM Travelstar 12 gig in my Libretto 100
> and here are the steps I used.
> 1. Installed it and partioned it using dos 6.22, set up three partions and
> only used 7.5 gigs.
> 2. I installed my pcmcia cd drive and copied the Windows 98se cab files in
> the second partion.
> 3. From that partion I did a clean installed of Windows 98se, using my
> Windows 3.1 floppies when asked for the location of Windows for the upgrade.
> 4. I then installed Partion Magic and made the boot disks.
> 5. I then repartioned, in dos, the full 12 gigs using the Partion Magic
> floppies.
> Everything seems to be working fine. I assume this procedure should work on
> a 20 gig drive.
> Arnold Milstein
> Director ACGNJ (Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey)
> -----Original Message-----
> Date: Sat, 07 Apr 2001 22:09:19 -0700
> From: Karen R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: I'm Back!
> Hi all,
> Yep, the "groovy grandma" has returned with
> my third Libby :-)  Just couldn't stand it any
> longer. Hope this is my last one.
> Got a 20gb drive for it; and would like to know...
> now what do I do with it??? :-)
> Want to partition it... doesn't matter how many...
> to run W98SE and RedHat on it...
> So I need to know exactly where to put the space
> for the hibernation.
> Will the hibernation work within a logical drive
> created for it??
> Does this partition need to be left unformatted??
> Will the hibernation work now with W98se??
> I've read in the archives of the experiment done
> with a 20gb drive by our resident guru... but don't
> exactly understand how to figure out using dos fdisk
> where to put that space... and yes, I'd like to put
> it inside the dos extended drive portion of the disk.
> Red Hat can run at the end of the drive, hopefully.
> One more question... what is the latest version of
> Red Hat that will run on the Libby 100??
> Glad to be back and see you all again :-)
> Karen
> gg

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