Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 21:49:59 +0100
From: "Paul Betts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 100CT PCMCIA Problem

Hi Karen,

> In the Device Manager in the System icon in the
> Control Panel, mine has two lines under the
> PCMCIA socket... both read exactly the same:
> Toshiba ToPIC97 CardBus Controller.  This is
> the way mine came to me.

OK Thats promising, so the PCMCIA Card Services entry is a bit of a bum
steer then ? as you have the same entries as I do !

> If that is what you have also, try putting your various
> cards in and installing them and see if they work :-)

OK did that with a Toshiba PCMCIA Modem. I added it manually using the "Add
New Hardware", it says the hardware Modem is present and functioning OK !!!

BUT it does NOT work saying that Error 630 - the modem is not responding.
PLease verify that the modem is plugged in to the computer and to the
telephone line <snip>

When I enter any card a message box appears with the heading PC Card
Troubleshooting Agent.
"Windows is not able to identify or use the inserted PC Card device because
there is no memory area available to communicate with the device. You must
make a memory area available before this device can be used.Check your
computer's CONFIG.SYS file for a memory manager that is excluding upper
memory regions between A000 and FFFF."

You also said that

"Just looked in the properties under one of those
Toshiba drivers for the PCMCIA and the provider
is M$... so it comes on the W98se CD aparently.
Date of 23 Apr 1999. File version 4.10.2222"

This is the version that I am also using !!!

***Any more advice ?***

Thanks for all the advice so far


PS Thinking of just formatting the HDD and starting again !

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