Date: Fri, 04 May 2001 19:58:02
From: "neil barnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hinges

>Date: Fri, 4 May 2001 11:19:02 EDT From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: 
>In a message dated 5/4/2001 4:23:30 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 
> > Hello all was just wondering about the right hand hinge on my newly 
>acquired > 50, it seems looser than the left hand one. Is this normal and 
>required in > order to open the display, or is the right hand hinge worn as 
>a result of > being on the side most used due to the mouse buttons 
>location. TIA. Douglas >
>Yes, from new, I think the wiring goes through the left one and the right 
>one just keeps the screen from falling on the floor.
>Jim Ray, Sr., Phoenix, AZ, USA


It must be that hot Arizona sun getting to're swapping left for 
right...the wiring's curled up in the *right* hinge, and the left hinge does 
all the work.

The left hinge is quite a complicated beast with springs and washers and 
whathaveyous but the right hand one is mostly for location (and the wires)
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