Date: Mon, 7 May 2001 05:50:26 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Nedved <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mp3

--- Ken Kwok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Am now thinking of getting a GPS card and running that on the Lib 50
> since
> I'm already using it in my car.  ANyone have any experience with
> running GPS
> on Libs?

The StreetAtlas series from Delorme seems to work fairly well for the
US.  Don't know of ANY good software for Europe.  Programs which let
you scan the maps in and calibrate them (like OziExplorer) seem like
too much trouble to me, although if you stick to one particular area a
lot then maybe it wouldn't be too bad to set up a map or two.  The
upside with them is that as long as you can get a paper map of your
area, you can use the software.

I have used the Delorme Tripmate GPS and now have a Garmin GPS 45 on
the boat which interfaces brilliantly to the Libretto.  Personally I
hate the tangle of wires that plugging a GPS and Laptop in the car
make.  I've thought seriously about a more imbedded design... maybe
including a MP3 player as well... I'd hate to hack up a Libretto for
that though, I'd probably just go with a "biscuit PC".



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