Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 20:35:06 +0000 (GMT)
From: Joe Sacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Funny little mouse pads!

-- "E. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm easy. When (if) we get enough people to make this viable (five people is
> my minimum), could you send me a SASE and pay me via PayPal?

Why not just pay the postage and cost of the envelope via PayPal?  Would save
one directions postage and some time...

Joe Sacher
Indianapolis, IN

"In the real world, what people mainly do with their Sport Utility Vehicles, as far as 
I can tell, is try to maneuver then into and out of parking spaces.  I've noticed that 
these people often purchase just a couple items - maybe a bottle of diet water and a 
two-ounce package of low-fat dried carrot shreds - which they put into the back of 
their Subdivisions, which have approximately the same cargo capacity, in cubic feet, 
as Finland."
-- Dave Barry

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