Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2001 14:29:29 -0700
From: "Martin G. Ramirez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Case for 110CT

Hello all,

I recently acquired a nice 110CT via eBay and am wondering what sort of case(s)
you would recommend.  I have checked out 3 Targus cases (CH400, CH600, NWCCL00)
and the Case Logic PDC 1 at their respective websites.  Any thoughts on these? 
One thing about these items is that they don't appear to have the padding
that's quite common with normal notebook cases.  And, if one wants to also take
along the AC adapter and PCMIA floppy drive, any opinions on what sort of case
would work?  I know I could just get a regular size notebook case and have room
for everything, but if there's something out there that would be just large
enough for the 110, AC and floppy drive, that would be better.


Dr. Martin G. Ramirez 
Department of Biology 
Loyola Marymount University
One LMU Drive, MS 8220
Los Angeles, CA  90045-2659, U.S.A. 
(310) 338-5120 
FAX: (310) 338-4479 

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