Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 11:34:51 +0400
From: Tanya Matveeva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: A question about 50CT (display drivers?)


I managed to re-install Windows on my poor machine, but all my
diskettes with drivers I forgot in another city during my travel and
there would be some time until I'd get them back. I've had part of
necessary drivers and Toshiba utilities on HDD, but I think that some
of them were lacking.

What do I do with display? I've heard that when you close the working
computer, it should hibernate automatically, but in my case I just
hear beeping sound probably telling that I shouldn't close the
computer when it's working, so I should hibernate or shut it down
manually. Is it supposed to be so, or it's possible to make it
hibernate when I close the display? Do I need cartain drivers or
utilities for this? Now, display was recognized in Windows as "laptop panel,

Thanks in advance.


    Tatiana Matveeva 
 AKA Inity Intel Inside    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    2:5030/57.208
   --- We are all just prisoners here, of our own device ---

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